Our Team

Meet Our Interns

2nd Lieutenant Joshua Murillo

PMS Global and National Security, UNM 2022 
BISI Global and National Security, UNM 2021 
Contact: Jmurillo2@unm.edu 
Research Interests: Cyber Security, Cyber Physical Systems, Wireless Sensor Networks, UUVs

Midshipman 2/C Connor Miller, NROTC

BA Economics, UNM 2023  
Contact: cmiller14@unm.edu 
Research Interests: Cyber Security, Manufacturing, Design, Field Testing

Midshipman 2/C Zane Stone-Dudney, NROTC

BA History, UNM 2023
Contact: zdudney@unm.edu 
Research Interests: Cyber Security, Augmented Reality, Field Testing, Smart Sensing

Midshipman 3/C Timothy Thiergart, NROTC

BA Global and National Security, UNM 2024  
Contact: tthiergart@unm.edu
Research Interests: Cyber Security, Robotics, Design, Smart Sensing

Midshipman 3/C Gabriel Zelaya, NROTC

BA Mechanical Engineering, UNM 2025  
Contact: gzelaya@unm.edu 
Research Interests: Cyber Security, Manufacturing, Design, Field Testing

Midshipman 4/C Hector Valenzuela, NROTC

BA Computer Engineering, UNM 2026  
Contact: hsvalenzuela1@unm.edu
Research Interests: Cyber Security, Robotics, Virtual Design, Augmented Reality

Cadet Porter Yang, AFROTC

BA Computer Science, UNM 2026  
Contact:  pyang19@unm.edu 
Research Interests: Cyber Security, Web Design, Augmented Reality, Robotics